
Crieff Primary School is committed to providing an effective and flexible range of support for primary school aged children who have difficulties consistent with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and associated Language and Communication difficulties.

This intensive support provision will be available to support children both within Crieff Primary School and in schools in the wider local area. Autism is a developmental disorder and affects the way a child thinks, learns, relates to and communicates with those around him/her and so it will be important that emphasis is on supporting children in mainstream classes where appropriate. Opportunities for this include shared curricular activities in and out of the classroom, shared play and social activities and shared outings and seasonal celebrations.

The overall objective of our facility is to provide the highest quality education, which addresses the specific needs of pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder taking account of the individuality of each pupil, including individual learning styles.  We:

  • Provide education for each pupil in a safe, caring and stimulating environment.
  • Value each pupil as an individual and treat him/her with dignity and respect.
  • Acknowledge the pupil’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to take account of individual need.
  • Work in partnership with parents, families and other professionals in meeting the needs of the pupil.
  • Develop skills, understanding and knowledge that will enable each pupil to achieve his or her full potential.
  • Develop staff awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder through continual staff development.
  • Build on each pupil’s strengths and celebrate their achievements.
  • Promote the understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder amongst the wider school community.
  • Develop effective collaborative working
  • Develop a whole school approach to supporting children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and  Specific Language and Communication difficulties