Welcome to ISP!

The Intensive Support Provision Class.

The Intensive Support Provision Class is an integral part of Crieff Primary School, which enables the additional support needs of each individual pupil to be met through a continuum of integrated experiences.

Our practice is based on the understanding that integration in classes is a process through which we can meet the needs of individual pupils educationally, socially and personally. Due to the complex nature of each pupil the needs may be at a different point or stage in this process.

Progress is achieved through small incremental steps. Children’s needs for integration will be planned for, monitored and recorded through their individual planning processes

In Crieff Primary we currently support approx. 20 children throughout our school who have needs consistent with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The provision provides a more dedicated space, equipped to meet the specific needs of children at all stages in their learning from Primary1 to Primary7 and our whole school approach to supporting such needs means that children make positive transitions between our ISP and mainstream class provision.

Our Principal Teacher, Mrs Copland, supports children with needs consistent with Autistic Spectrum disorder allowing us to support children and families in a number of ways:

  • Provide effective and consistent support to children in school
  • Provide enhanced and effective support to families
  • Develop whole school process in developing an effective communication environment for learners
  • Develop out reach support programmes to help build capacity to support children with difficulties consistent with Autistic  Spectrum Disorder in their own mainstream primary school.
  • Maintain and develop effective collaborative working with allied health professionals and colleagues across Education and Children’s Services.